Tuesday, May 8, 2012

175 days and counting.....

Collections happen. It is the moment of internal dialogue that brings it all home....
"Yes, but THIS one is [fill in the blank justification]" as you add another "must have" to your growing hoard. Everyone collects something, admitted or not. I did the happy dance yesterday when Brightneedle's "Ghoulies and Ghosties" arrived (how do!?). It was the verse ~ a Cornish prayer from the 16th century, that got me. The funky lizard wasn't bad either.
Brightneedle "Ghoulies and Ghosties"
I purchased "Darcy and Elizabeth at the Zombie Ball" ostensibly for my son. He is ready for the zombie apocalypse and is routinely distressed at my failure to prepare. This {of course} required a visit to Brickarms so the couple is fully equipped with a bloody cricket bat and machete (very British!). 
The Sampler Girl "Darcy and Elizabeth at the Zombie Ball"
 This chart is for my husband (generousity is becoming). Each block o' the month features a corresponding complaint. Though my darling husband is exceedingly patient and tolerant {no sniggering, people} it seemed fitting.  And, once again....Zombies sealed the deal.
Raise the Roof "Crabby all Year"
 This I purchased just for me because it seemed morbid as a "gift". "When I am dead and buried and all my bones are rotten".... Who doesn't love that sentiment?  Snakes and rats amongst the skeleton ~ yum.
Birds of a Feather "Remember me on Halloween"
So...to get in the mood for my favorite holiday I kitted up "All Hallow's Eve" from The Goode Huswife. Small enough to complete this year and practice my finishing skills on.
Perhaps, once the invasion I will be safe.


  1. Oh I love DARCY AND ELIZABETH ... great finish :) Hope the end isn't coming yet ... I've many more Jane designs to do !!


    1. Oh, Tanya....I love your designs!! "By the Ocean with Jane Austen", "Jane Austen on the Weather" and "Naughty or Nice" are definitely on the must-do list!!

  2. Where oh where did you get the Brightneedle chart for Ghoulies and Ghosties? I thought it was only offered as a workshop?
    Inquiring minds would love to know and yes, I can rationalize adding more chart to my stash :)


  3. Melissa, isn't it to die for! Send me an email with your contact info and I can send you straight to the source. Thanks!

  4. Hi Ruth, I have found you! Oh I too love the Brightneedle design You certainly have done some spoooky work! Love those colours of thread yummy.
