Monday, April 30, 2012

Garden of Earthly Delights

                 I am not blessed with natural creativity, though I get an A for effort. I still vividly recall my mother's consternation as I labored over yet another variation of my signature Crayola "house with tree and sun".  I was not familar with the concept of artistic series yet or I would have employed that reasoning when encouraged to try something different since I seemed to have mastered that motif?  Since then, I have come to realize artists are able to translate inspiration that surrounds us all. A case in point........this lovely elusory flower. After much tending from my husband, our cactus are blooming.
Paddle Cactus
 I see similar design elements in this vintage fabric from The Design Studios of David and Dash. The pattern is Trafalgar, and dates from the 1960's. The Design Center at Philadelphia University curates a collection that includes their textiles and they can be viewed at

Now, all I have to do is make a lovely set of pillows for my couch. That's creative, no?

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