Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Life imitating art...

My evening job is "soccer/ rugby mom".  Weeknights and most weekend days will find me at one of 2 local parks as my son practices. I realize the luxury of participating in outdoor sports on a year round basis {the upside to our 115* summers} but the extensive time commitment on recent cold, dark winter evenings was wearing me down. I began my resolutions early and figured gaflumping around the perimeter of the park would count as exercise. My payoff is a regular sighting of a juvenile Great Horned Owl perched on the fence along the walking trail. This is urban wildlife at its finest ~ he stares unblinking at the field rife with tasty morsels [though perhaps the regurgitation of dirty cleats is slowing his roll] while semis roar by behind him on I-10, the major east west truck route through Phoenix. I am impressed by his adaptibility, and repeat "you're not his food of choice" as I scurry along. Because I fear this would be the last thing to touch me, hard~ upside my noggin.....

Sonoran Desert Great Horned Owl

"Witches Nine" from Primitive Needle
I enjoy birds of prey, and respect their command of the environment. Can you spot my unintentionally camoflauged one? I am stitching Lisa Roswell's pattern on 40 count Cauldron from Colorscapes (a design choice courtesy of my daughter).  We substituted Crescent Colours for the Weeks Dye Works and I made a few adjustments due to the darker mottled background. Has anyone else had issues with chart discrepancies? The symbols listed don't seem to jibe with the finished picture, and searching for "corrections" has turned up nil since not many bloggers seem to have  worked this piece.
I do so love her designs and hope to begin Cape Cod's Girls next. It will be a companion to "Good Things". And I am desperate to track down a copy of "Annie Hyssop's Harvest Moon".
Have an excellent day, and hope your New Year's resolutions are rewarding in their own way!

1 comment:

  1. Been browsing your blog. So cool about your piece dedicated to your grandfather and that family history at Codman Point. And now you're in AZ. Wow, a real change! Love your Primitive Needle piece. Your DD has a good eye for color. Love that pic of the owl -- how cool is that!
