Monday, April 30, 2012

Garden of Earthly Delights

                 I am not blessed with natural creativity, though I get an A for effort. I still vividly recall my mother's consternation as I labored over yet another variation of my signature Crayola "house with tree and sun".  I was not familar with the concept of artistic series yet or I would have employed that reasoning when encouraged to try something different since I seemed to have mastered that motif?  Since then, I have come to realize artists are able to translate inspiration that surrounds us all. A case in point........this lovely elusory flower. After much tending from my husband, our cactus are blooming.
Paddle Cactus
 I see similar design elements in this vintage fabric from The Design Studios of David and Dash. The pattern is Trafalgar, and dates from the 1960's. The Design Center at Philadelphia University curates a collection that includes their textiles and they can be viewed at

Now, all I have to do is make a lovely set of pillows for my couch. That's creative, no?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rumor has it....

I am excite.......

NOoooo...Come back!!
Hedgehog cactus flower
The quail visited last evening until chased away by paparazzi style photo tactics. Chumming the yard with copious seed ensured another visit this morning. I am hoping for a nesting pair!
 Cacti bloom in spectacular fashion, in part because it is so brief.  This is one variety of hedgehog cactus in our yard.
The heat is the grocery store the fight is never for the closest parking spot, but the one in the shade (and shade is a relative term in the desert).  
More cacti blooms tomorrow..

Monday, April 23, 2012

"Jonathan Livingston Seagull, I presume?"

Birds of a Feather "Good Things"
     "Good Things" from Birds of a Feather. Why are they no longer designing cross stitch patterns for me? I was a loyal consumer. Though not as "good" as I could have been since I am missing a few of their out of print, highly desirable early charts. If only..... *sigh*
This mermaid sampler is an experiment in thread conversion rather than another cheap excuse to collect vast quantities of fiber. How dare you! I am reconfiguring the recommended WDW into Crescent Colours from nearby Tucson (shop local, people). How could I not purchase a skein called "Lobster Claw" and find a place to use it?
My question for you regarding the 2 fisheys left of the F: should they remain the already stitched Fancy Nancy Green (see what I mean?) or frog them out and make them purple, as demonstrated? And do you like my homage to the Gorton's fisherman?
We Phoenicians are tasked with breaking records today. Can we do it? The rest of the country already wallowed in high spring temps. Our turn now...103 yesterday and headed for 105. "Like seven inches from the noon day sun".

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Quail on the Lam

The quail running along the rim of our pool
I have been creeping on quail since we moved here 4 years ago. Of all the varied Southwest wildlife they are my hands down favorite. I believe it is that jaunty feather sprouting from their head, lending an air of whimsy to everything they do.  I was irrationally ecstatic to spot a covey checking out our backyard when we first moved here. Of course, my husband purchased the requisite quail block to lure them back. It was devoured, by our dog, an animal with a severely sensitive stomach. It was a daily dilemma....gassy dog vs elusive quail. I finally admitted failure and pitched the last of the block over the view fence onto the golf course.  Coyotes ate it.
The past few weeks, I have been teased by quail on the outskirts of our property. This morning one graced the edge of the pool, probably checking out the digs since we evicted the duck pair trying to nest. Much as I would love to welcome Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack etc.~ duck poop in the pool was a deal breaker.
I managed this blurry photo with no coffee and pathetic camera skills as the quail made a break for it. Like Lenny Small, I just want to squeeze and pet them. I think he sensed this...The good pic is by Valerie Everett so you can fall in love with them too. You are only missing the sweet vocalization.