Monday, April 23, 2012

"Jonathan Livingston Seagull, I presume?"

Birds of a Feather "Good Things"
     "Good Things" from Birds of a Feather. Why are they no longer designing cross stitch patterns for me? I was a loyal consumer. Though not as "good" as I could have been since I am missing a few of their out of print, highly desirable early charts. If only..... *sigh*
This mermaid sampler is an experiment in thread conversion rather than another cheap excuse to collect vast quantities of fiber. How dare you! I am reconfiguring the recommended WDW into Crescent Colours from nearby Tucson (shop local, people). How could I not purchase a skein called "Lobster Claw" and find a place to use it?
My question for you regarding the 2 fisheys left of the F: should they remain the already stitched Fancy Nancy Green (see what I mean?) or frog them out and make them purple, as demonstrated? And do you like my homage to the Gorton's fisherman?
We Phoenicians are tasked with breaking records today. Can we do it? The rest of the country already wallowed in high spring temps. Our turn now...103 yesterday and headed for 105. "Like seven inches from the noon day sun".

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