Sunday, April 22, 2012

Quail on the Lam

The quail running along the rim of our pool
I have been creeping on quail since we moved here 4 years ago. Of all the varied Southwest wildlife they are my hands down favorite. I believe it is that jaunty feather sprouting from their head, lending an air of whimsy to everything they do.  I was irrationally ecstatic to spot a covey checking out our backyard when we first moved here. Of course, my husband purchased the requisite quail block to lure them back. It was devoured, by our dog, an animal with a severely sensitive stomach. It was a daily dilemma....gassy dog vs elusive quail. I finally admitted failure and pitched the last of the block over the view fence onto the golf course.  Coyotes ate it.
The past few weeks, I have been teased by quail on the outskirts of our property. This morning one graced the edge of the pool, probably checking out the digs since we evicted the duck pair trying to nest. Much as I would love to welcome Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack etc.~ duck poop in the pool was a deal breaker.
I managed this blurry photo with no coffee and pathetic camera skills as the quail made a break for it. Like Lenny Small, I just want to squeeze and pet them. I think he sensed this...The good pic is by Valerie Everett so you can fall in love with them too. You are only missing the sweet vocalization.

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